According to the story of the film, Jangaiah (Baladitya) sets out to find his missing brother, Komuraiya (Satyam Rajesh).
A new SI, Ravindra Naik (Rakendu Mouli), arrives in their village and arrives at Jastipalli to unravel the mysteries of the deaths in the village.
With all this, a group from the Archeology Department has to reach a temple in an abandoned village.
The film does a good job of crafting the script while focusing on the characters and their relationships.
Satyam Rajesh's portrayal of Komuraiya has been very commendable. For the most part, he's done a good job of staying quiet and relying on his emotions.
Many questions arise simultaneously in the film, like where is Komuraiya?
What are the secrets of the temple that the archaeological team has come to the village in search of?
There are many such questions that come to you when you watch the film.
If you also want to know the answers to these questions then watch the film.